PhD and Post-Doctoral Positions

We currently accept applications for post-doctoral research associates and graduate as well as undergraduate students to join our group. The details about the admission process to Federico Santa Maria Technical University Graduate School can be found here and here.

Financial Support for Graduate Students: UTFSM provides financial support for graduate students through various channels and in various forms. These are briefly described below: 

- Internal UTFSM grants for postgraduate studies. 

- FONDECYT grants for postgraduate studies (Becas Doctorales FONDECYT Call 2020). Call 2021 to be opened on October 2021.

Financial Support for Posdoctoral Researchers: FONDECYT provides financial support (Postdoctoral Contest) for recent Ph.D. graduates (after January 1st 2018).

Please contact us if you need additional information.

USM Transparente Universidad Acreditada 6 Años G9 Universidades Públicas No Estatales
Mecesup Reuna Universia Estudia en Valparaíso Agrupación de Universidades Regionales de Chile